Admissions & Registration

Congratulations! If you’re on this page you’ve taken the first step toward joining the New Providence Classical School family. Whether your child is entering our programme at the Grammar, Logic, or Rhetoric stage, rest assured we will be here to guide you through every step of enrollment. Welcome to NPCS!


Please print and complete an admission application, and bring it to the school office along with a $100 non-refundable registration fee.

 When you come in, please bring the following documentation:

  • The child's birth certificate or passport
  • School records or transcripts from previous years (if applicable)
  • Student health/immunization record
  • Any additional information relating to the child's academic aptitude and/or educational history, such as a diagnosis or assessment of a learning disability or challenge

We will also require:

  • A placement/entrance test (30-minute exam given by New Providence Classical School)
  • An interview with the child's parent/s or guardian


Tuition starts at $1000 (initial deposit) per term. Multi-child discounts are available to families with more than one child enrolled at New Providence Classical School. An additional five percent discount is available when you pay tuition for the school year in full. Financial obligations are due July 1 to ensure we can order books and uniforms for the fall term.

Schedule of Tuition Payments

Grades Tuition Per Term
Grades 1–3 $1200
Grades 4–8 $1500
Grades 9–12 $1800
Fall Payment Winter Payment Spring Payment
July 1 November 1 March 1