
Our teachers and staff find a career at NPCS challenging and rewarding. We have the privilege of shaping young minds and impacting our students and families in a positive, Christ-like way. If being a part of our team appeals to you, we hope you’ll find the information on this page helpful in taking your next steps towards the future.

Join Our Team!

New Providence Classical School is now hiring! Here’s your chance to shine! We are hiring for the following positions:

  • Office Manager
  • Athletics Director
  • BGCSE Math Teacher
  • Primary School Teacher

Contact: Email a letter of interest and your resume to Dr. McNeill.

JOIN oUr Team! WE ARE HIRING! Here's your chance to shine Position: > Office Manager • Athletic Director > BGCSE Math Teacher Primary School Teacher KNOW AND Contact: Email a letter of interest and your Resume to Dr. McNeil mpclassicalschool@gmail.com

Employee Benefits

We offer our employees a competitive benefits package. We will provide information regarding benefits during the hiring process. Current employees may contact our carriers directly with questions or concerns regarding benefits.

  • Medical Insurance
  • Dental Insurance
  • Life Insurance
  • Disability Insurance
  • Savings Plan
  • Paid Time Off